06196 671444


Mo-Fr: 08:30-12:30 Uhr
Mo u. Do: 15:00-17:30 Uhr
Di: 15:00-19:00 Uhr


Here you will find informations how you get in contact with us. Dr. Brauner will be able to talk with you in german, english or spanish. Furthermore there is the possibility to get translation from russian, serbo-cratian an bulgarian lanuage with the help of the staff.

Opening hours

Office hours Bad Soden:

Monday to Friday 8:30 - 12:30 Afternoons from 15 clock by appointment

Office hours Bad Homburg: Monday 15:00 - 19:00 and by appointment

You can reach us by phone:

Monday to Friday 8:30 -12: 30; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 15:00 - 17:30

Laboratory tests / blood:

Monday to Friday 08:30 - 10:00 clock and by appointment


Please arrange the date for your visit on the phone if possible. This is the best way for you and we to organise our time. You can also contact us via email or send a fax stating your telephone number so that we can call you back.  

Repeat prescriptions are available at any time during opening hours. On request we will also send them to you or they can be ordered in advance by phone or email for pickup by arrangement. Please also note our holiday dates.  

If you have any questions about the prescribed medication or possible side effects please contact us immediately by phone.  

The examinations for the outpatient sleep laboratory are carried out with the help of portable measurement equipment, which the patient applies at home before bedtime. The patient will be demonstrated how to set up the equipment in an appointment, and will continue to be guided by the practice as the investigation continues. A partner may like to join you, who can then help with the setting-up of the equipment in the evening. Fundamentally, however, it is possible to apply the device alone. Users of nocturnal ventilators may like to bring their masks to the appointment before the examination night.

Users of portable-oxygen devices may also like to bring these to the preceding consultation.


Königsteiner Straße 82
65812 Bad Soden
Telefon 06196 671444
Fax  06196 671440
Mail info@brauner-lungenarzt.de
Web www.brauner-lungenarzt.de

Branch Clinic

Saalburgstraße 155

61350 Bad Homburg

Telefone 06172 3808053 Fax  06172 6685596

Before your visit

If available, please bring relevant preliminary findings and your current medication plan with you. It is especially important to bring all of your current inhaled sprays, powder inhalers, etc.!  

Please take note of the advised periods of drug coverage (i.e. how long before the planned examination certain sprays or tablets should be omitted, so that an unaffected lung function can be assessed). In case of any doubt please call our office.  

If you have a device for oxygen or to treat sleep apnea, please bring the device and the mask with you.


We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

We will be on holidays from december 19, 2019 till january 5, 2020

Finding us

The practice is located in the city arcades (corner of Königstein and Kronberger streets) in Bad Soden on the Taunus, about 15 km from the centre of Frankfurt am Main. The city arcades feature a free of charge car park, whose entrance is on Kronberger street.

Other parking facilities are located in the Salinenstarße.

The S-Bahn station Bad Soden, line S3 from Darmstadt to Frankfurt Main Hauptbahnhof

is a 5-minute walk from the clinic. The S-Bahn departs every half hour from Frankfurt main station at XX:14 and XX:44 past the hour, and takes approx. 25 minutes to Bad Soden. The S3 leaves Bad Soden at XX:20 and XX:50 past the hour. Bus connections with the surrounding cities can be found at RMV.de or on the RMV app for smartphones.  

The Frankfurt Airport can be reached in 25 minutes by car, or by public transportation in 50-85 minutes.


For physiotherapy, Qigong, Taiji and other medically guided training, there is a cooperative association in the form of the Physiokoop registered with the Regional Medical Association. Here, for example, training therapy for back pain under direct medical supervision is availabe.


Over the years, we have developed our cooperation with specialist clinics and thoracic surgeries, as well as a number of established colleagues, with whom we have formed an important network for confident and trusting cooperation in order to solve complex problems in an interdisciplinary manner.