Acupuncture is particularly effective against pain and pain-related conditions. For lung and bronchial diseases as well as allergies, there are already several scientific studies showing the effectiveness of acupuncture. In our experience, a combination of acupuncture with other methods is most effective.
In case of a serious illness or if no other therapy works, acupuncture helps to reorganise and rebuild the vital forces. We have developed a specialisation here in our practice and therefore also treat problems such as sleep disorders, burnout syndrome and psychosomatic distress. For this, we refer back to a very ancient Chinese conception of man, which sees his constitution as a tripartite being standing between heavenly and earthly forces.
As somatotopic methods, acupuncture of the ear and skull are performed in our practice. These methods have proven to be very effective in treating back and spinal disc problems, in support of training therapy or in the case of acute complaints. Apart from fine needles, acupuncture points are also stimulated with laser and infrared light.