06196 671444


Mo-Fr: 08:30-12:30 Uhr
Mo u. Do: 15:00-17:30 Uhr
Di: 15:00-19:00 Uhr


Acupuncture is particularly effective against pain and pain-related conditions. For lung and bronchial diseases as well as allergies, there are already several scientific studies showing the effectiveness of acupuncture. In our experience, a combination of acupuncture with other methods is most effective.  

In case of a serious illness or if no other therapy works, acupuncture helps to reorganise and rebuild the vital forces. We have developed a specialisation here in our practice and therefore also treat problems such as sleep disorders, burnout syndrome and psychosomatic distress. For this, we refer back to a very ancient Chinese conception of man, which sees his constitution as a tripartite being standing between heavenly and earthly forces.  

As somatotopic methods, acupuncture of the ear and skull are performed in our practice. These methods have proven to be very effective in treating back and spinal disc problems, in support of training therapy or in the case of acute complaints.  Apart from fine needles, acupuncture points are also stimulated with laser and infrared light.

Chinese Pulse Diagnostic

The energetic state of a person can be detected by this method. Acupuncture points are selected on the pulse status.

Due to its thousands of years of history, chinese pulse diagnostics have produced numerous variants. Here is used a method of pulse diagnosic which refers mainly to the application of acupuncture and not to herbal medicine. It is taught in a  variant of Joan Duveen, an acupuncturist from the Netherlands. The focus here is not so much on the detection of exogenous damage factors of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as wind, cold, heat, humidity and drought, but the interaction pattern of five basic energy movements, which may be called  generating (wood), expanding (fire), limiting (metal), collecting (water) and mediating powers (Earth) as are known according to the five phases of transformation of classical chinese medicine. Stagnation, deficits and dominance of these forces reflect the psycho-physical pattern in which man moves in health and illness. The properties of the acupuncture points corresponding to these forces are used therapeutically to harmonize the play of these energies.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the course of the Chinese revolution of the 20th century, a state-sponsored variant of classical Chinese medicine was developed under the influence of the ideology of historical materialism in order to economically secure the medical care of the population. The great treasure of Chinese herbal medicine was preserved in this way. The acupuncture was submitted to a scientific evaluation and the traditional concepts were adapted to Western medicine and the principles of herbal medicine. The combination of herbal medicine and modern acupuncture has come to the West under the name "Traditional Chinese Medicine". However, classical Chinese medicine originally had nothing to do with herbal medicine. Since the end of the eighties there has been a tendency in China and some other countries to work up the classical roots of acupuncture. Noteworthy, for example, the Shen acupuncture as it was developed in Israel by Yair Maimon. Psychosomatic aspects are back in the foreground. This method is also used in our practice.

Chinese herbs are prescribed in our practice only to a limited extent. Instead, herbal and homeopathic remedies are used, which are available in every pharmacy.

Qigong and Taiji

Qigong and Taiji improve the general state of health and have thus been proven beneficial for many diseases or in preventive health care. Qigong courses are regularly attended by Dr. Brauner who is a qualified Taiji and Qigong teacher.